Illustrated Dictionary of British Churches - Battlement Definition

History and Architecture


A form of indented parapet, generaly associated with military architecture, but in the late medieval period also commonly used in churches, particularly to decorate towers. The indentations are called embrasures, or crenelles, leading to the term 'crenellation' to refer to the use of parapets with battlements. The raised sections between embrasures are called merlons or cops. Both merlons and embrasures are topped with coping to prevent water damage.

Uffington, Oxfordshire

Uffington, Oxfordshire

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This notorious favourite of Edward II was created the Earl of Cornwall and Keeper of the Realm

19 May, 1536

Anne Boleyn beheaded

Queen Anne was executed on Tower Green, saving her the spectacle of a more public execution.

Which of the following was NOT married to Henry VIII?

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